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Body of Indian engineer killed in Kansas reaches Hyderabad- White house describes shooting reports disturbing

The dead body of the Indian engineer killed, Srinivas Kuchibhotla (32), who was shot dead in the United States in what is believed to be a hate crime incident, arrived at the international airport on Monday night. The body of the deceased engineer was taken to his house in Bachupally area of the city after it arrived on a flight at Shamsabad.

Srinivas, who worked as an aviation engineer at the Garmin headquarters in Olathe, was killed in a shooting incident on Wednesday night. Another man who was also Indian and his colleague Alok Madasani was injured in the incident.

Ian Grillot, an American citizen, was injured in his brave effort to stop the prime accused, Adam Purinton (51), who was arrested on Thursday morning.

The shooting took place at Austins Bar and Grill in Olathe in Kansas City in the US state of Missouri.

According to the reports, Purinton had yelled “get out of my country” before opening fire on Srinivas and Madasani.

While the incident has drawn massive criticism from various parts of the world, the US government had been silent on the incident till now. Now for the first time, it has broken its silence on the infamous Kansas shooting incident.

Amid mounting pressure to condemn the hate crime, the White house has described the reports on the Indian engineer killed in US “disturbing”.

Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer said that he don’t want to get ahead of the law enforcement, but he was asked the other day about the story in Kansas. He condemned the incident strongly on the behalf of US President Donald Trump. Further, he said that while the story behind the shooting incident is still unfolding, the early reports coming out of Kansas are disturbing said Spicer on Monday.

He had earlier commented that “all killings are tragic”. It was widely criticised by many people in the United States and the pressure was increasing on the government to condemn the shooting.

This incident has been attributed by many people to the rise in antipathy towards immigrants, especially those from Muslim-majority Middle-Eastern countries targeted by the current administration.

Adam Purinton, who carried out the shooting is a 51-year-old US navy veteran. He had mistaken the two Indians, Srinivas and Alok from immigrants from Iran. Iran is one of the 7 Muslim-majority countries whose citizens are temporarily banned from entering the US  by an executive order issued by theDonald Trump administration. But the order was never fully implemented because of court injunctions.

Purinton is charged with first-degree murder of the Indian techie and two counts of attempted first-degree murder. He was produced in court. According to the insiders, he had fled to Missouri after shooting the two Indians. There he had told a bartender that he had shot two Iranians. The eyewitnesses revealed that he had shouted at the victims to get out of his country before opening fire on them.

The justice department of United States is investigating the incident. The motives of Purinton are still under investigation. The justice department has not confirmed yet if it was a hate crime or not. This is the reason Mr Spicer said that he did not want to get ahead of law enforcement.

Spicer’s remarks are the first time the US administration has clearly condemned the shooting incident which got an Indian engineer killed while the other was injured.

US president Donald Trump is being widely blamed for this unfortunate incident. A prominent Indian American had said that the President’s hands are covered in blood. This comment shows the anger and hates in people’s heart towards Mr Trump.

The white house had not reacted on the incident till Friday.

Jon Favreau, Obama’s speechwriter for his first term wrote on his twitter handle that once upon a time Presidents like Barack Obama and George Bush would have spoken against the hate crimes. He also added that Trump only yells out at the media and FBI.

Former US President Barack Obama had deeply sympathised with the community of victims who were killed at gurudwara in Wisconsin in 2013. He had issued a statement in which he said that he and his wife Michelle were deeply saddened by the incident. He also acknowledged the contribution Sikhs had made to the US and called them as a family.

Kumail Nanjiani, a Pakistani-American actor also tweeted about the incident. His post read that the President can ask the people not to shoot innocent brown people but he just would not do it. he can save lives but he won’t and this does not surprise him.

Trump’s rude behaviour and strategies towards the immigrants has put a lot of lives in America under threat. Since Trump became the President there has been a significant rise in the hate crimes and as a result, many innocent lives have been lost. This has raised many doubts in the minds of people whether Trump truly can take America forward or not.


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